Communauts is a social enterprise which aims for facilitation of livelihood improvement for rural communities while conserving the environment. We develop attractive, sustainable and high quality products with community groups and market them to hotels, supermarkets, restaurants, souvenir shops and other buyers. Communities gain a reliable source of additional income, the tourism and other industries get access to local value chains, natural ressources are protected while tourists and locals alike benefit from authentic and unique Ugandan products.
Our products bring out the best of Uganda: they are fair, sustainable, carefully handmade and bear the UNBS quality mark. The raw products are grown by local farmer groups, which only use organic methods. We put a strong emphasis on modern and authentic local design also. Thus, a Communauts product is not only delicious but also a treat for your eyes. They enhance every table and your menu at home, in a hotel or restaurant. We are looking forward to your contact and orders.
Communauts builds on existing know-how and on partnerships with complementary initiatives. Want to help make tourism work for all? We invite you to join forces with us in order to bring sustainable change to Ugandan communities and protect the environment! We are looking for:
Communities in Uganda, which would like to start producing authentic and high-quality products for the tourism and other value chains
Tourism companies, restaurants, supermarkets, souvenir shops and any other buyers which look for authentic new products
Development organizations and NGOs that build capabilities among local communities
Investors and foundations who help finance the expansion of Communauts
Contact us for more information!